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Shenzhen Dingyao Technology Co., Ltd. Hailing island two-day tour

2021-09-23 14:00:00

Keep your heart together and keep moving forward

-- Record Shenzhen Dingyao Technology Co., Ltd. Hailing Island two-day tour

Time flies, time is like a song, inadvertently 2021 has passed most of the half year, it is gratifying that the company's business according to the expected track stable development, all the way forward. All departments gather their strength and forge ahead, and the company presents a new atmosphere of unity and enthusiasm.

To thank everyone for their efforts and dedication, further stimulate team spirit, relax, temporarily away from work pressure. The company organized all employees to travel to Yangjiang Hailing Island from September 11 to 12, 2021.

At 8 o 'clock in the morning, the company's employees and a group of lovely children sat on the tour bus to Yangjiang with laughter, and under the organization of the tour guide on the way, the children and adults actively performed, reciting, singing, idiom solitarism games took turns, and were filled with laughter along the way.

Happy mood accompanied us unconsciously after more than four hours of driving, we arrived at the first stop of this trip - Big Kok Bay Beach, Hailing Island, the blue sea water, layers of white spray and waves against the shore of the roar made us can not wait to embrace the sea, enjoy the sun, the sea, the beach fun. The children have also found a place to have fun - a beach sea park. The playground has a rich variety of play items spiral slide, gun barrel, sled slide, wave blanket slide, race slide, crazy landslide, river rafting and other dangerous and exciting water sports.

Enjoy the afternoon of the sun and the beach, people play high stomach shouted hungry, night gradually came, the beach barbecue in the call to us, rich ingredients, red coals, hot meat aroma and smoke, let us enjoy the happiness of food. Along with this barbecue meal, there are many programs: KTV on the beach, heat wave, bonfire, singing, fireworks, dancing. In a word: Passion burns today.

Night gradually deep, the end of the day's play back to the hotel rest, although a little tired, but not enough. Look, these hot girls are having fun until the wee hours of the morning.

The hotel is only 50 meters away from the sea, and the beach is out of the door. I have to admire the physical strength of young people, after a few hours of rest, you can get up at 5 o 'clock in the morning to see the sunrise, bathing in the morning light, blowing the cool sea breeze, listening to the sound of the sea, away from the noise, enjoy the calm and quiet at the moment.

After breakfast we started our day. Visit Evergrande Hawaiian town and beach. Hot spring town, style bar street, big food culture hall, everywhere permeated with thick exotic customs. But what everyone likes more seems to be the sea, in groups of three or five, rushing into the embrace of the sea, feeling the great power of the waves, enjoying the pleasure of dancing at the top of the waves.

Then we take a fishing boat to go out to enjoy the infinite sea scenery, the sea scenery is beautiful, blue sky, green island, blue sea integration, birds, waves, feel the fishing style.

Come to the island, seafood dinner is essential. Boiled shrimps, Steamed melon seed spotted fish, Salted Big Rose urine shrimps, Salt Baked snail, Fried red crab with ginger and scallion, steamed vermicelli with baby... I'm drooling at the thought of it. No more talking. Here we go!

After "full of wine and food", we set foot on the journey home, the road home is long and short, short is the distance, long is the mood. To feel every encounter with heart, let us be happy and happy at the same time, grateful and cherish the present. I believe that in the future days everyone will be more energetic, more enthusiastic into the work, we firmly believe that the company's development is thriving, the future can be expected.



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